Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh Wiki, what a pity, I don't understand.

My favorite Things are those which make me think of songs I know and like, specifically songs from Team Karl Day 2007's Name That Tune. One of the best times ever. Fact: Candy Princehorn can identify any song within the first three notes if it was released in the 80s.
Until I looked at CML's Learn & Play blog, I didn't quite see how libraries that used wikis were that much more of an improvement. It seemed at first like accessing a library's regular website would be just as useful. After looking at ours though, I can see how it is fun to contribute one's own information to a site. And while I am suspicious as to whether material published on wikis is actually true, my coworker Rey raised a good point in that if a topic is popular and lots of people read about it, an avid reader would likely correct any misinformation promptly.

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