Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's big, it's heavy, it's work!

And it's apparently a requirement of Learn & Play. I've never succeeded in keeping a journal, diary, etc. for more than a week, I guess because I don't like to write out my thoughts, but I will give this a try. I did watch the 7 1/2 habits, etc. slideshow, and I've determined that the habit I find most difficult is the one that involves viewing problems as challenges. I like challenging myself, but I have a hard time perceiving an unexpected problem as anything other than an unexpected problem. I think I am best at accepting responsibility for my own learning, particularly since graduating from college three years ago. I sometimes miss the classroom setting and peer discussion and critique, so shortly after graduating I made a point to always be reading a book. I try to mix a non-fiction or juvenile chapter book in every so often so I'm not exclusively reading adult fiction, and I am also in two book clubs, so I feel that my reading is helping me learn all the time.


HeleneB said...

It's big, it's heavy ... but i hope you also find this journey fun :)

wendy said...

it's wood!